Logo by Joseph Mariano
Linda Mariano
April 2, 2021. We at FROGG are saddened to announce the sudden passing of our dear friend, stalwart community activist, and long-time FROGG officer, Linda Mariano. This is an intense moment for us and all who knew here in our community as we are flooded with all our memories of Linda. There will certainly be a memorial to share these memories and make the community work Linda has been part of. In the mean time, as spring sets in upon us, please consider setting out a flower box or planter full of geraniums in Linda’s memory. For decades Linda has set out window boxes full of the best geranium plants she could find at the farmers market to add such cheer in her corner of Gowanus.
Here is an oral history about her work as a neighborhood activist to get a flavor of Linda if you never met her, and feel her fighting spirit, always looking out for our community.