Preservation League of New York Awards FROGG grant

The Preservation League Of New York State awarded FROGG $7,500 for a survey of the Gowanus canal's surrounding industrial landscape.   In acceptance of the award, Linda  Mariano said a few words.  

"Acceptance of this grant comes with a great responsibility to complete our project "The Architectural Survey Of The Gowanus Canal Corridor". The purpose of the Survey is to authenticate the buildings, the vistas, the bridges and all else which may be discovered along the way that constitute a link to New York City's and the nation's industrial past.  It is our hope that the Survey will justify the placement of the Gowanus Corridor on The National Register of Historic Places as an Urban Industrial District.  The Gowanus Canal Corridor is the Gowanus Canal and the areas adjacent to the Canal, which contain many architecturally significant buildings that once formed the backbone of one of the nation’s most important industrial centers. Placement on the National Register will help preserve and protect those buildings which continue to grow as a vibrant industrial sector, and to preserve and protect the remaining buildings to be conditioned for re-use and for new industry.  There is a need for continuance of light industry in the GC Corridor.  Most of the architecturally significant buildings are being used for noninvasive industry. FROGG and this community of caring people hope to maintain and sustain this need.  An additional outcome of the Survey will be to use the special district designation as a tool for preventing other kinds of zoning or even re-zoning.  To work toward preservation rather than against it, to coordinate historic preservation policy with zoning. We could establish a citizen based planning process rather than so called "experts" who take the community out of community and transform our neighborhoods into an artificial landscape. Although some buildings are currently vacant, it does not mean they are useless. They can be adapted for future reuse.  A special district gives us a sense of identity and a chance to preserve something of the past. It is an opportunity to share in community pride.  We must preserve and protect the past for the future."


Take a look at the event here.