National Register Nomination moving forward . . .
Dear Friend and Neighbor, FROGG is working to place the Gowanus Canal Corridor on the National Register of Historic Places as an Urban Industrial District, and is currently seeking funds to accomplish this goal.
Designating the Gowanus as an Urban Industrial District will help preserve the buildings, structures, places, and open spaces for adaptive re-use (new light industrial, residential, and recreational)
• preserve the buildings, structures, places, and open spaces for adaptive re-use (new light industrial, residential, and recreational)
• preserve the natural and industrial beauty of the Gowanus
• preserve the landmarks and architecturally significant structures for future generations
• protect the Gowanus Canal Corridor from overdevelopment.
The Gowanus Canal Corridor nomination to the National Register of Historic Places is moving forward.
The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation(NYS-OPRHP) is being "generous" for the Gowanus Project and has decided to expand the historic district, by proposing 50 additional sites. This means that these 50 properties must be surveyed by a certified architectural historian. More research must be done in order to complete the proposed survey with the previously submitted report and integrate them into Section 7 of the nomination with the other properties. FROGG must continue to do a little more fund raising. The additional proposal will cost approximately $5,780.
The determination of National Register eligibility that the NYS-OPRHP has already issued means that any redevelopment project with federal involvement (permits, funding, ownership, etc.) that fall within the new historic district boundary must undergo a review for potential effects on the historic resources.
If you care to make a tax deductable contribution please make a check payable to FROGG and send to Linda Mariano, 393 President Street, Brooklyn, New York 11231.
Your generosity and commitment will help to ensure the heritage of the Gowanus for the present and future generations.
Yours truly, Linda Mariano,,