January 21, 2025


Sewage retention tanks construction site on Nevins St - As they dig deep into coal tar-contaminated soil, toxicants have been flowing into the air. These are not just nuisance smells (reporting  HERE). The City has also been in non-compliance with the EPA's orders on building the tanks (more on that HERE) as the delays are implicated in the catastrophic flooding the neighborhood has experienced 

Soil Vapor Intrusion investigation by DEC keeps expanding past the original boundaries as contaminated groundwater continues to spread dangerous toxic materials under the neighborhood. Alarming findings at one of our schools are reported HERE 

National Grid lawsuit. A good overview in Gothamist, lays out the recent legal action by National Grid, the largest responsible polluter in Gowanus. The federal court filing (HERE) names NYC, Con Edison, Heinz, Verizon, federal agencies, and others as it effectively seeks to roadblock cleanup of the most polluted portion of the canal and the most toxic upland site where low income housing and a school are planned: Gowanus Green (Smith St b/w 5th St/Nelson St)  

Trichloroethylene (TCE) uncovered throughout the area. TCE was a common industrial chemical, a cancer-causing agent that's highly neurodegenerative -